Phoebe M. Mansfield Biography
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Phoebe M. Mansfield Biography

Phoebe M. Mansfield was born to Amasa Mansfield and Electa Soper in City, County, New York, USA circa 1817.

[Admin: Need to revisit her birth date. 1860 census says she was 45, which puts her birth around 1815. Her birth year based on stated ages in the four censuses is 1817.33.]

Phoebe married Reubin Pettis circa 1841.

Children of Phoebe and Reubin include:

Phoebe’s husband, Reubin Pettis, died in the “early sixties”, after which, Phoebe brought her family to Michigan. [Hannah Pettis Obituary]

Early in the spring of 1863 the tide of immigration commenced to pour into this general region, and the township of Almira received a liberal share. Quite a large colony of people from Steuben county, state of New York, settled in this town, … About the same time also a large colony from St. Lawrence county, New York, settled here. Their names as far as can be recalled were … There was also the Mansfield family, consisting of Uncle Amasa, his wife, his son Amasa, and several married daughters, among whom were Mrs. Geo. Fuller, Mrs. Phebe [Mansfield] Pettis (a widow with quite a large family), … also Amasa and Daniel Mansfield, nephews. …

Excerpt from ( Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society Collections Volume 31 (1901) pages 102–113) TOWNSHIP HISTORY OF ALMIRA IN BENZIE COUNTY PREPARED BY HON. C. S. LINKLETTER

Phoebe passed away in City, County, State, USA [DEA: probably Benzie, MI area] on UnknownDate at the age of UnknownAge.

[Admin: I’ve set the date of this biography to January 1, 1862 in the hopes that it is somewhat close, not because I have any solid information on the actual date of death.]

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