Arnold-Luckey Book Published

Arnold-Luckey Book Published

Arnold Luckey Family Ties

Authorized History and Genealogy Complete

Comprehensive in form and extensive in scope. Showing the exact connection and giving the complete line and lineage of the Drusilla Arnold Ancestors and Descendants in perfect order from Alfred the Great, King of England1, born 849, down to the last child of the family up to October, 1931

Written Expressly By Leonard Wilson Arnold and Ethel Zwick Luckey

Published by The Rev. Leonard W. A. Luckey, Ph.D., D.D.

New York City, New York


Some genealogical facts presented in ArnoldWorld are sourced, at least in part, from this book.

1Be careful, however, with assertions about the parentage of Thomas the immigrant and his connections to royalty — once widely held beliefs, they have been disproven.

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