Daisy Mabel Krause Biography
Daisy Mabel Krause, age 79, 1962.

Daisy Mabel Krause Biography

Daisy was born in Frankfort, Benzie, Michigan, USA on Sunday, April 22, 1883.

This is the Daisy Krause that married Bert Arnold, not the Daisy Arnold who married Charles Krause. Yes, it is easy to get confused when siblings marry siblings, as is the case here. Charles Edward Krause and his sister Daisy Mabel Krause married Daisy Mae Arnold and her brother Bertin Daniel Arnold, respectively. Put another way, Charles married Daisy Mae. Daisy Mabel married Bert. Bert and Daisy Mae are siblings. Charles and Daisy Mabel are siblings.

Daisy passed away in Portland, Clackamas, Oregon, USA on Sunday, July 29, 1973 at the age of 90.

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