Mary Angell Biography
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Mary Angell Biography

Mary was born in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA about 1645. She was the daughter of Thomas and Alice (Ashton) Angell.1


Mary married Richard Arnold around October 24, 1666, and they had their first child, Richard, in 1667, perhaps a little to soon after the wedding:

His marriage probably took place shortly after 24 Oct. 1666, when he and Mary Angell were fined 40 shillings for fornication. … The children of Richard and Mary were: Richard, b. 1667 …

Some Arnolds of Smithfield, Rhode Island History Journal, Volume 13, p 113.

Fornication at the time was punishable by whip (“publiquely whiped”) or fine, per the notes of the General Court of Commissioners, held at Newport, May the 19th, 1657:

It is ordered, that any person convict of the act of Fornication within the jurisdiction of this Collony, shall be publiquely whiped in the Towne where the fact was done, with fifteene stripes for the first offence, or pay forty shillings; and in case of a second, in that case the party shall be publiquely whiped at the towne where it was cone if on the Island; and of the other Towne of the Island a week after, with fifteene stripes at each place; and soe if on the maine land, then at the towne where it was done; and at the next towne alsoe to receive the like punishment as is aforesaide, or pay a fower pound fine to the Collony Treasurey.

Records of the Colony of Rhode Island, Vol 1, John R. Bartlett, 1856, p 355.

Children of Mary and Richard:

  • Richard Arnold 1667-1745 (78)
  • Mary Arnold 1668-1735 (66)
  • John Arnold 1670-1756 (85)
  • Thomas Arnold 1675-1726 (50)

Their second child, Mary, was born in September of 1668.


A son, John, was born to Mary and Richard in November of 1670.

Mary and Richard had their last son, Thomas, in March of 1675.

King Philip’s ongoing war with the Native Americans caused most residents to flee Providence in 1675 for Portsmouth or Newport. Mary’s brother-in-law Thomas Arnold was among 27 men to stay:

A list of 27 names of such as stajd & went not away, was presented, unto whome these Jndjans should be due, ye names were … Tho Arnold …

Early Records of the Town of Providence, Vol 8, p. 12.

Mary and Richard returned to Providence with their family after the war.


At some point, in or prior to 1687, her marriage to husband Richard ended, as Richard announced plans to marry the widow Sarah Smith in November of 1687.

In November 1687, Richard published banns in Providence to marry Sarah Smith. She was probably the widow of John Smith, the miller, and died in 1712. John Smith, the miller, had died before 2 June 1682, when his widow Sarah and son John posted bond to be executors of his estate.

The Arnold Family of Smithfield Rhode Island, Richard H. Benson, 2009, p. 14.

Mary passed away in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA around 1695 at the age of 50.

Admin Note: We’ve set the date of this post to January 1, as a placeholder, not because of any solid information we have on the actual date.

1Some Arnolds of Smithfield, Rhode Island History Journal, Volume 13, pp 112-13.

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