Samuel Arnold (1st) Biography
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Samuel Arnold (1st) Biography

[Note: The use of (1st, 2nd, etc.) is somewhat arbitrary and only implies this is the first, second, etc. of that name in the direct line from Thomas Arnold down to the latest generation.]

Samuel was born in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA in 1738 to Jonathan Arnold1 and Abigail Smith.

It has been well and authoritatively established that Samuel Arnold of Somerset County, Pa., was a member of the family of Arnolds of Rhode Island and that he left there at an early date and went into the Cumberland Valley of Maryland, where his son Samuel was born, March 6, 1775. By redistricting of lands he and wife Elizabeth became citizens of Bedford and Somerset Counties in Pennsylvania, where they lived and reared a family of nine children, consisting of three sons, Samuel, Joseph and Daniel; and six daughters, Rachel, Margaret, Elizabeth, Easter, Ann and Catherine.

Arnold Luckey Family Ties, 1931

It is important to note that no matter how “well and authoritatively established” the parentage of Samuel is, we only accept it tentatively. Read more about this open issue here. Another possible, but unproven, father of Samuel is John George Arnold (Johann Görg Arnold) .

Pitman2 agrees on the number and names of the children.

Samuel passed away in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, USA on Tuesday, April 30, 1805 at the age of 67.

Possible marriage dates to Elizabeth:

  • Elizabeth and Samuel Arnold Nov 10, 17573.
  • Samuel Arnold. Gender: Male, Birth Year: 1736, Spouse Name: Elizabeth Arnold, Spouse Birth Place: RI, Spouse Birth Year: 1740, Marriage Year: 1757, Marriage State: RI4

To Elizabeth [Wright] Arnold [wife] Administratrix and Samuel Arnold [son] Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Samuel Arnold late of said County of Somerset, deceased-Greeting: Whereas the said Samuel Arnold lately died intestate (as is affirmed) having whilst he lived and at the time of his death divers goods and chattels rights and credits within said County, by means whereof the full disposition and power of granting letters of administration thereof is manifestly known to belong to me, I therefore desiring that the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of the said deceased may be well and truly administered, converted and disposed of according to law, do hereby grant unto you the said Elizabeth Arnold and Samuel Arnold (in whose fidelity in this behalf I very much confide) full power by the Tenor of these presents, to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of the deceased within the said County … Phto Shrader, Register for Probate of Wills of Somerset County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in 1805.

Arnold Luckey Family Ties, 1931

1There is an open issue regarding the ancestors of Samuel.

2H. Minot Pitman, from [Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine] Vol. XIX:2 (Sept. 1953), 125-126.

3 Rhode Island, U.S., Vital Extracts, 1636-1899 for Samuel Arnold.

4Samuel Arnold in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900.

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